A brand of the CADFEM Group


design services


Kami menyediakan layanan desain yang luas yang mendorong inovasi dan keunggulan dalam rekayasa. Tim profesional kami yang ahli mengkhususkan diri dalam merancang solusi yang disesuaikan untuk mengatasi kebutuhan setiap proyek Anda.

Analysis Type

concept design

Concept Design and Package Studies

Proses awal sebuah konsep desain untuk mengetahui kemungkinan yang akan terjadi tanpa menghadapi tantangan teknis dan mengoptimalkan susunan komponen atau komponen penyusun didalam sebuah sistem.
Layanan desain konsep adalah fase kreatif dalam proyek rekayasa di mana ide-ide dihasilkan, dikembangkan, dan dievaluasi tanpa batasan teknis. Ini adalah tahap di mana solusi inovatif dibayangkan dan disempurnakan untuk tantangan spesifik. Fase ini melibatkan perumusan ide, sketsa, analisis kelayakan, dan penyempurnaan iteratif untuk meletakkan dasar bagi proyek. Di sisi lain, studi paket berfokus pada pengoptimalan susunan dan integrasi komponen dalam sistem atau produk untuk memastikan penggunaan ruang yang efisien, meminimalkan pemborosan, dan meningkatkan kinerja, yang sangat penting dalam industri seperti otomotif, kedirgantaraan, dan elektronik konsumen. Aspek kunci meliputi tata letak ruang, integrasi, ergonomi, dan simulasi.
Three-dimensional Computer-Aided Design (3D CAD) modeling is essential in modern engineering, enabling the creation of digital representations of physical objects for analysis, visualization, and manufacturing. The process involves several steps: conceptualization, sketching, extrusion and revolving, detailing and feature creation, parametric modeling, and validation and verification. In engineering, assemblies are collections of individual components combined to form a complete system or product. 3D CAD assemblies help engineers visualize how components fit together and interact. The process includes component modeling, assembly creation, motion simulation, interference detection, and Bill of Materials (BOM) generation.
Unlike traditional engineering, which involves creating something from scratch, reverse engineering design services deconstructs and examines existing objects to gain insights into how they were made and how they work. This process can be applied to a wide range of items, including mechanical parts, electronic devices, software systems, and even biological organisms. The reverse engineering process typically involves several steps: object acquisition, data capture, analysis, documentation, and modification or reproduction.

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) and stack-up analysis are vital in engineering design services for ensuring proper function and assembly of mechanical systems. GD&T, a symbolic language, communicates design specifications precisely, ensuring interchangeability and functionality. Stack-up analysis predicts cumulative dimensional variation, considering component tolerances and assembly processes. Both practices promote clear communication among designers, manufacturers, and quality control, ensuring parts meet specifications reliably.

Converting 2D drawings or sketches into 3D models is crucial in engineering and design services for visualizing concepts, prototyping, and manufacturing. This process involves transforming flat representations into fully dimensional digital models. The steps include choosing modeling software, importing or tracing, using techniques like extrusion and lofting, detailing with filleting, applying parametric modeling, and then adding dimensions, annotations, GD&T, surface finishes, assembly considerations, and finally, reviewing and documenting the 3D model.

Design modifications in design services are changes made to an existing product, system, or structure to enhance its performance, functionality, efficiency, or aesthetics. These changes can be driven by factors like evolving requirements, technological advancements, customer feedback, or the need to address issues found during testing or use. A structured approach to handling design modifications involves identifying the need, defining objectives, evaluating alternatives, conceptualizing and designing the changes, conducting analysis and testing, implementing the modifications, validating and verifying them, and finally, documenting and communicating the changes.

Creating prototype drawings is a pivotal step in product development, guiding the fabrication of physical prototypes. A structured approach involves defining scope and objectives, gathering design information, determining prototype components, creating assembly and part drawings, adding annotations, reviewing and revising, finalizing documentation, and distributing it for communication.


Air Conditioning, Valves, Electronics Cooling
Identifying heat sink placement in an electronics enclosure at the concept stage.
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Drones, IoT, Telematics
Identifying the most optimum location of antenna placement on a WIFI router.
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Heat Exchangers, Mixing Tanks, Flow Distribution Systems
Choosing the most optimum number, shape and angles of the baffle in a shell and tube heat exchanger.
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EV Chargers, Mixings Tanks, Valves, Centrifugal Pumps
Predicting pressure drop or rise through valves/centrifugal pumps respectively.
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Automotive, Energy
Optimizing number and location of ribs in housings (in automotive or electronics or any other application) to make it lightweight without compromising the stiffness.
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